Border News – And The Band Plays On

The recent news of the murder committed by an illegal alien in San Francisco has brought a great deal of attention to President Obama’s failed border and immigration policies. While he and his liberal/progressive supporters defend their actions and inactions, criminal illegal aliens and drugs continue enter U.S. These are a few reports from the south Texas border during the 4th of July week.
According to Border Patrol Sector Chief Raul Ortiz, agents in the Rio Grande Valley sector have recorded 81 deaths in the wilderness areas since October of people that were suspected of being in the country illegally. This figure translates into an 8 percent increase over fiscal year 2014 which recorded 75 deaths.
In Brownsville, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized $94,500 worth of cocaine that had been hidden inside a vehicle at the Gateway Bridge on Tuesday, July 7. Authorities detected the contraband with help from the department’s canine unit after the 20-year-old driver, a 20 year old U.S. citizen, attempted to cross the bridge from Mexico into the United States on Tuesday.
In Laredo, two men were arrested for attempting to smuggle about $1.3 million worth of methamphetamine through an international bridge on June 30. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers said they detained the men and found 42 pounds of crystal methamphetamine.
On Wednesday, July 8, Border Patrol agents found more than 450 pounds of marijuana packed inside a van. Agents spotted the van after a Mexican boat made landfall on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande. The van was stopped but the vehicle’s driver made a quick U-turn and headed back to the river. Agents said the driver exited the vehicle, jumped into the river and swam back to Mexico.
Also in Laredo, two men were arrested by Webb County sheriff deputies on charges of possession of 185 pounds of marijuana on Wednesday July 8.
In yet another drug arrest in Laredo, one man was arrested Laredo police on Thursday, July 9, accused of stashing marijuana at his home. Authorities said they seized 288.4 pounds of marijuana with an estimated street value of $230,720.
Further upstream, the Eagle Pass Station apprehended a convicted sex offender, with an extensive criminal history, on July 8. Criminal records checks revealed that Jose Maldonado-Zelaya was convicted in 2003 in Hennepin County, Minnesota, and sentenced to 21 months in prison, and has been deported four times, most recently in April.
These disturbing immigration news from the south Texas border show that Obama’s liberal/progressive policies have placed all Americans in peril. Besides criminals, we have seen sickness and illnesses enter the country. We have watched as Latin America, and soon the rest of the world, turn our nation into “the world’s orphanage” by sending unaccompanied minors.
When Trump made his strong comments about Mexico, Democrats denied the truth, while Republicans ran away from it. But grassroots Americans reacted because it’s true. We have Mexican border problem that needs to be address soon and in the strongest terms possible.