Liberal Professor Criticizes SAPD SWAT Participation

Liberal UT professor Ariel Dulitzky, director of the School of Law’s Human Rights Clinic, criticized the San Antonio Police Department SWAT team for participating in Dubai against other national SWAT teams. Dulitzky said the problem was that many special police units SAPD competed alongside others known for their poor human rights records.
However, the USA Olympic team competes against some of these same nations and other worse ones, like Iran, China, and Cuba.
The event featured special tactical units worldwide that competed with various techniques. The events are not to prepare police to kill anyone but rather to get fast times in Olympic-type events.
But liberals like Dulitzky are quick to criticize police and will use any excuse, including an international police competition, to do it. Defund-the-police advocates can’t stand police successes. They seem to think that talking to criminals and terrorists will “de-escalate” a situation and avoid violence.
Sadly, biased news media like Spectrum News is quick to run with the story without a police support position. Several local mainstream news outlets picked up the critical story and ran with it without considering the positives of having an outstanding SWAT unit.
San Antonio should be proud that the SAPD SWAT team participated and finished 11th out of 73 international teams. This competition showed the quality and training of the officers who protect citizens daily and risk their lives to do so.