More Illegal Alien Crime in San Antonio

Two illegal aliens were arrested in San Antonio and charged with trafficking a 16-year-old Venezuelan migrant at a motel near the medical center. Besides the violence last weekend, where a Venezuelan illegal alien man shot and injured an SA police officer, illegal aliens are participating in human and drug trafficking in the community.
This crime wave is a direct result of the Biden/Harris open border policy that has allowed foreigners to enter the United States through illegal loopholes in the immigration process. It is also the fault of the liberal SA Mayor Ron Nirenberg, who is helping Biden/Harris with the illegal alien invasion of America. These aliens are not screened or checked, and many are criminals and even terrorists.
The San Antonio Migrant Center must be closed, and the city must stop assisting illegal aliens in any form or fashion. Illegal immigration must not be tolerated or excused, and all must be deported regardless of age or condition. Doesn’t San Antonio have enough criminals without importing more?