Pro-Illegal Immigration TV News Report in San Antonio

It’s interesting how KSAT News, San Antonio’s ABC affiliate, didn’t use someone who supports Trump and opposes “ILLEGAL” immigration and supports LEGAL immigration for comment in their report. It shows their liberal bias.
Pro-illegal immigration and border advocates, with the help of the Fake News, are excusing and tolerating the breaking of immigration laws. If they excuse and tolerate breaking these laws, what more lawlessness do they excuse and tolerate?
Why don’t these advocates and news reporters instead encourage illegal aliens to leave the U.S. and re-enter LEGALLY?
This Fake News pro-illegal immigration story also reinforces the need for “alternative” information sources. The local mainstream news media is as bad as the national news media.
Fake News at the local level is as bad as the Fake News at the national level. If the truth will make you free, Fake News will enslave you.
Local citizens ought to call out the station.