Repeat Offender Shootings

While liberal San Antonio City Council member Adriana Rocha Garcia hosts a public meeting about the recent shooting of 5 San Antonio police officers, Monday night, Sept. 11, SA Mayor Ron Nirenberg will not attend. Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales and San Antonio Police Chief William McManus will discuss their plans to address the shootings. However, the SAPD is a city department, and the police are city employees — the mayor should have the final say about protecting police and citizens.
Citizens should hold Nirenberg, as an elected official, responsible for police staffing, policies, and budget decisions that have made law enforcement dangerous.
However, Nirenberg is responsible for ignoring the public’s safety. The city needs more police officers with more resources and freedom to fight crime.
On the other hand, Gonzales, a George Soros-supported DA, should be removed for releasing dangerous repeat offenders back to the streets. He should protect the public’s safety by keeping repeat offenders jailed and away from law-abiding citizens. Instead, Gonzales worries more about the criminals’ civil rights.
But where is Mayor Nirenberg? He seems to care more about stopping the climate from changing than protecting the citizens. Why doesn’t he protect the citizens with a well-equipped, fully-staffed police force?
Citizens and voters must not let Nirenberg — who wants a Biden Administration position — deflect and avoid responsibility for the crime and violence in San Antonio, especially against his employees in the SAPD. The buck stops with him.