Retired Officer Willie Cantu Discusses the Crime Crisis

In the first 15 days of September 2024, there have been 16 shootings, two stabbings, 11 persons injured, and six deaths reported in the San Antonio news media. These violent crimes are only the tip of the iceberg because many violent crimes are not reported to the police or in the news.
In the meantime, local elected and appointed officials like Mayor Ron Nirenberg, the majority of the city council, and the San Antonio police leaders assert that crime is lower. The local news media supports their assertion without investigating the facts.
Retired San Antonio police officer and law enforcement expert Willie Cantu discusses the law enforcement crisis in the country and San Antonio. He exposes the phony claim that crime has been lower since 2020, explains the failures of the UTSA “hot spot” anti-crime plan, and discusses Bexar County D.A.’s war on police and the dismissals of cases against police.
Click on the link to listen to the interview. (26 minutes)