Texas Congressman Wants to Protect “Workers” and “Asylum Seekers”

Texas Republican Congressman Tony Gonzales, who has been a Trump critic in the past, is excusing illegal alien workers and protecting illegal aliens who have claimed asylum.
If he has his way, we have another mass amnesty because the majority of the 21 million illegals that entered during the Biden/Harris Administration claimed asylum. Asylum seekers/applicants should wait outside the U.S. in a third country rather than in the U.S., where they can disappear into the country.
We must also not protect illegal aliens who are working without proper documentation or permission. The 21 million illegal aliens who have entered since the Biden/Harris administration opened the border have flooded the country with cheap foreign labor.
Many employers claim that there are some jobs that Americans will not do. But, if wages were increased, working conditions improved, and welfare and unemployment benefits were reduced to encourage Americans to work, most jobs would be filled.
However, excusing, tolerating, protecting, and justifying illegal immigration encourages more illegal immigration.