The El Conservador Show. June 8, 2024.


The El Conservador Show with George Rodriguez. Saturday, June 8, 2024.

President Biden’s plan to use executive orders to control the torrent of illegal aliens crossing the border was immediately criticized because it contains so many loopholes. We’ll be delving into the details of this plan and its implications on the show.

Our guests are Sheriff Brad Coe from Kinney County, TX, who provides an update on the crisis in his border county and gives his opinion on the Biden Plan.

Wade Miller, executive director of Citizens for Renewing America, shares his views about the politics in Washington, D.C., that impact the border crisis.

Charles Sowell, CEO of ME&M Solutions in Harrisburg, PA, shares what he learned about how agencies handle unaccompanied minors once they cross into the U.S.

Finally, Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, analyzes the Biden Immigration Plan, considered “smoke and mirrors.