Willie and George: The Fiesta Market Square Shooting

Retired San Antonio police officer Willie Cantu and George Rodriguez, El Conservador, discuss the recent shootings at the Market Square during the height of Fiesta activities. The shooting occurred in a crowded venue with thousands of people and many police officers patrolling the area.
The incident raised several issues for discussion. First, the shooter was a repeat offender who wasn’t afraid of being seen committing a violent crime. Second, liberal SA Mayor Ron Nirenberg blamed guns for the violent incident, not the repeat offender criminal. Third, what does this say about the much-applauded SAPD anti-crime plan? And fourth, how stretched and stressed were the police officers during the ten days of Fiesta to cover all of their assignments?
The “Wille and George Show” is a show about crime and law enforcement from a logical, unapologetic law enforcement point of view. Click on the link to listen to the show.